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The Chef The Actor The Scoundrel

film ini menceritakan tentang perang kedua sino jepang antara jepang dan china, dimana china menderita wabah kolorea karna jepang menggunakan senjata biologis.

For the first part of the movie, I was disappointed. The movie starts with a very dramatic opening about a cholera outbreak that is devastating the population in Peking. Then it changes tones and becomes a strange comedy of overacting and ridiculousness. Just as I was about to give up, there is a twist in that explains things. Then the movie made more sense, and was quite enjoyable. 

It is a lot of fun, zany, has interesting graphics, lots of twists, and is apparently based on a true story.

Overall, it was a great action, spy, comedy, out there movie that was really surprising considering the synopsis on Netflix.(IMDB)

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