Film berjudul “Son of God” yang satu ini tentunya tidak akan terlewatkan bagi Anda seluruh umat Kristiani ataupun bagi siapa saja yang mengenal Yesus. Film ini menceritakan tentang kisah Yesus, dimulai dari kelahiranNya, tentang semua ajaran-ajaranNya hingga penyaliban serta hari kebangkitanNya.(
From beginning to end the movie is moving. The acting was amazing, the soundtrack was beautiful. Son of God impacts people all alike whether they're true believers or not. People left the movie in tears because the impact was so great and tissues were constantly being pulled out because everyone couldn't stop crying the movie was that awesome. Without hesitation I would pay to go see it again and take people with me over and over. Each person portrayed was exact, and the tension and the emotions that carried left people watching from the edges of their seats. Son of God reminds believers of how they should be impacting the world.(IMDB)